Place the shanks in a container and immerse themin cold sparkling water; place them in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes.
Fill a container with 2 litres of sparklingwater, dissolve 100 g sugar and 100 g salt in it and immerse the shanks. Leaveto stand in the fridge for 24 hours.
Start the blast chiller with the pre-heatingcycle at 70°C with active humidity.
Whisk together pepper, bay leaf and rosemary.Drain the shanks and place them in a vacuum-packed cooking bag together withthe previously blended herbs. Vacuum-pack them.
Place the bag in the blast chiller and start thetimed cooking cycle with the following parameters:- duration: 14 hours- cell temperature: 68°C- ventilation: 100%- humidity: lvl 5Set blast chiller to +3°C at the end of cooking.Store in the refrigerator for up to 21 days.
Drain the shanks, recovering the cookingliquids, with which to prepare a reduction.
Roast the shanks, brushed with the reduction, at240°C in the oven until golden brown.
Balanced salt for white meat consists of 150g salt and 75g sugar. Use 12g per kg of meat.