Start theblast chiller with the pre-heating cycle at 70°C with active humidity.
Salt the veal shoulder with the balanced salt.
Deglaze with white wine, allowing the alcoholic part to evaporate.
Place the meat, the blended wine and the vegetables in a vacuum-packed cooking bag and condition.
Place thevacuum-packed bag in the blast chiller and start the timed cooking cycle withthe following parameters- duration:6 hours- celltemperature: 68°C-ventilation: 100%- humidity:lvl 5Set blastchiller to +3°C at the end of cooking and store in the refrigerator for up to21 days.
Tuna sauce
Boil the eggs and cut them into slices in a high-sided container.
Add the drained tuna, anchovy and capers, and whisk until the desired consistency is reached.
Balanced salt for white meat consists of 150g salt and 75g sugar. Use 12g per kg of meat.