Start the blast chiller with the pre-coolingcycle at -15°C.
Boil the wine with the sugar and spices until itis reduced by 1/3.
Place the reduction pot in the blast chiller,insert the core probe inside the pot (with the tip immersed in the reduction)and start the probe chilling cycle with the following parameters:- probe temperature: +3°C- cell temperature: -8°C- ventilation: 100%
Once the blast chilling cycle is complete, startthe pre-heating cycle at 85°C, with active humidity.
Place 4 peeled pears (leave the stalk) and 1/4of the previously obtained reduction in a vacuum bag. Repeat the operationuntil 4 vacuum pouches are obtained.
Condition the bags, place them in the blastchiller and start the timed cooking cycle with the following parameters:- duration: 25'- cell temperature: 85°C- ventilation: 100%- humidity: lvl 5
Set the blast chiller to +3°C at the end ofcooking and blast chill the pears in wine, leaving them inside the vacuumpouches together with their liquids.
They can then be stored in the refrigerator forno longer than 21 days.