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Octopus cooked at low temperature

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 15 minutes
Course Second dish
Servings 4 people


  • 1 octopus of approx. 1.5 kg
  • ½ bay leaf
  • 2 slices edible lemon peel
  • 10 rosemary needles



  • Start the blast chiller with the pre-heatingcycle at 85°C with active humidity.
  • Clean the octopus of beak and eyes, then wash itthoroughly.
  • Place the octopus in a vacuum cooking bag withits aromas (rosemary, bay leaf and lemon) and vacuum pack it.


  • Place the vacuum-packed octopus in the blastchiller and start the timed cooking cycle with the following parameters:
    - duration: 4 hours
    - cell temperature: 85°C
    - ventilation: 100%
    - humidity: lvl 5
    Set blast chilling to +3°C at the end of cooking.
    We recommend blast chillingthe octopus by leaving it inside the vacuum bag together with its liquids: thiswill make it even more tender.
  • You can then store it in the refrigerator for nolonger than 21 days.
Keyword Fish