Start the blast chiller with the pre-heating cycle at 64°C with active humidity.
Immerse the fillet in a container of cold sparkling water and leave it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
Drain it from the water, dry it and season it with balanced salt and seasoning.
Wrap the fillet in baking paper and then in aluminium foil, with the shiny side facing inwards. Then close it like a candy and tighten it so that it takes on a rounded shape.
Place the bag in the blast chiller and start the baking cycle with the following parameters:- duration: 1½ hours- cell temperature: 62°C- ventilation: 100%- humidity: lvl 5Set blast chiller to +3°C at the end of cooking and store in the fridge for up to 21 days.
Balanced salt for white meat is prepared with 150g of salt and 75g of sugar. Its use requires 12g per kg of meat.